Music, Technology and Power of Music for Brands | Tuned Global

Unique ways to engage your audience when building your brand

Written by Tuned Global | 12 Apr, 2016

Engaging with your audience with unique methods is meant to be done in a timely, consistent manner. With 72% of customers expecting to hear from the company within the first hour, brands have more to do than ever before. Below are the key points for building a brand with music by increasing audience engagement to potentially enhance your brand’s ROI and gain more customers.

Introduce your product/service

Whether you sell software or slippers, your customer wants to purchase it, so it’s good practice to create a video that introduces the item/service. Once you have built up a number of videos and images that showcase your products making use of video creation & editing software or an easy-to-use online video editor, you then have a repertoire of content to rely on for inbound marketing services and email marketing.  The other idea behind filming your product is to building your brand’s reach beyond your immediate customers. The video your company creates can be made entirely by the company in a brand building process, or can rely on the footage of actual customers and empower them more so.

Develop emotional connections

Use music for brand building and creating connections based on the emotions of your customer. Companies like Nike, Apple and Google have developed strong emotional connections using music to enhance their brand’s voice. According to Kevin Roberts, CEO at Saatchi & Saatchi, in order to build emotional connections with customers, the brand needs to build mystery, sensuality and intimacy. Using music as the brand’s mouthpiece is the easiest and most cost effective way of recruiting customer emotions and building authentic relationships.

Reward through contests and offer exclusive offers

What person wouldn’t want something for free? Using insights into your customer’s habits and interests, you can create tailored offers that specifically target their likes. Sharing exclusive offers that speaks directly to the individual is a popular way to engage your audience and maximise it by building your brand. For example, a 15% off coupon to all subscribers in an email newsletter is a great way to improve your customer’s engagement in the brand. If you have some customers who prefer one aspect of your product or service, you can use this information in the offers. So, for example, instead of “15% off storewide”, you would choose “15% off shoes”, because the purchase history of a number of customers indicates that shoes are their main reason for visiting your store. Keep in mind that (according to Business2Company) only 16% of these coupons ever get redeemed. The key point is that the customer recognises your offer.

Start a community or forum

Open up the floor to hear suggestions, positive and negative feedback. According to Freely’s 2015 Marketing Report, the top 5 reasons why people follow brands on social media are; promotions and discounts, latest products information, customer service, entertaining content, and ability to offer feedback.

These tactics are just some of what’s available to marketers who are looking to improve their audience engagement and building brand awareness.

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Find out how companies like Marriott Hotels and HP have used music to engage with their customers in unique ways. Get the download link below.